Advocacy for flexible work schedulesMomsRising is an internet-based campaign “to bring together millions of people who share a common concern about the need to build a more family-friendly America.” They’ve collected many great tools to help people advocate for more family-friendly work schedules, including part time, flex time, and more. and safety information in SpanishNuestros Niños radio program ( has published a Spanish-language booklet of culturally appropriate child health and safety information, advice, and resources. This is the first in a series,
¡Adelante con Nuestros Niños! Agencies that would like to buy copies for distribution ($2 each for orders up to 250, discounts for larger orders) can contact Interactive Parenting Media, PO Box 1212, Berkeley, CA 94701 or
info@interactiveparentingmedia.orgBuilding a child care businessBuilding Child Care is new collaborative of child care organizations that offers help with:
- Capital financing ideas
- Developing a business plan
- Locating grant and loan resources
- Finding local child care resources
The collaborative includes Insight Center for Community Economic Development, the California Child Care Resource and Referral Network, the Low Income Investment Fund, and The Children’s Collabrium.
For info: 888-411-3535, more news like this in the Jan-Feb Children's Advocate's Roundtable report, (for Spanish or Chinese, click on the link at the top of the page)
Labels: advocacy, early care and education, health, spanish, work and family