News and information on issues that affect children and families in California

Monday, July 21, 2008

New campaigns offer ways to get active

Our Children, Our Duty, Our Future

Our Children, Our Duty, Our Future, a new campaign spearheaded by the Children's Advocates Roundtable, aims to educate policy makers and the general public about how cuts in health care, foster care, education, child care, and welfare would hurt children. They're encouraging parents and people who work with children and families to share their personal experiences in letters to their state legislators and visits to their district offices. The website includes resources to help people take action for kids.
For info: Contact Lisa Kaplan,

Together for California's Future

Together for California's Future (T4CF) -- a broad new coalition formed by organizations of parents, teachers, health care advocates, school employees, seniors, firefighters, law enforcement officers, environmentalists, people with disabilities, caregivers, and working families -- is working to oppose proposed budget cuts of "billions from the vital services that California's families rely on every day." The new coalition wants to "change the conversation,"
says Central Valley regional coordinator John Boisa and reject a "cuts-only" strategy for balancing the budget. They are encouraging people to

  • Get the facts about the impacts the cuts would have in your county from the California Budget Project at
  • Write letters to the editor and op-ed articles in your local papers
  • Visit legislators in your district—and recruit local business, religious, professional, and other leaders to contact legislators too
  • Get involved in local events the coalition is planning. In June, for example, local groups held events at schools and clinics, press conferences, and town hall discussions of the local effects of budget cuts.

For info: contact Shawnda Westly,, or Kim McCoy Wade,

Health Care for America Now

Health Care for America Now is a national campaign bringing people together to demand quality, affordable health care for everyone. Supporters include national and community-based activist organizations, labor, health professionals, and faith-based organizations. The California campaign will continue to press for state-based health reform.
For info: contact Health Access

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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

July-August Children's Advocate

The Children's Advocate July-August 2008 issue is now available -- and online -- in English, Spanish, and Chinese. This is a special environmental issue, with tips on raising "green" kids and connecting kids with nature, as well as a snapshot of anti-global-warming activism in Chula Vista and a bookbasket of environmentally themed kids' books. Check it out:

  • Grassroots Snapshot: Parents help win Chula Vista global warming plan
  • Hot topics: Families organize to bring children's issues into political campaigns
  • Early Care and Education: Early care and education teachers share tips for helping children connect with nature
  • Hot topics: Stressed-out parents find help and education in support groups
  • Raising kids: Families and educators offer kid-friendly environmental tips
  • Bookbasket: Children's books provide kid-friendly descriptions of environmental issues -- and suggest positive ways to make a difference
  • News from the California Child Development CORPS: Working against budget cuts -- locally and statewide
  • News from Parent Voices: Parents come together to create platform on family issues
  • News from the Children's Advocates' Roundtable

In English at
In Spanish at
In Chinese at

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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Tools for advocates

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