News and information on issues that affect children and families in California

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Brood Awakenings

And here's another interesting resource --

The online environmental news site, Grist, has put together a package of articles that tackles some of the environmental health issues faced by families, including
* chemicals and reproduction
* dealing with the plastics scare
* kid-proofing your cleaning supplies
* toys -- avoiding toxic ones and finding alternatives to disposable ones
* eco-causes of early puberty
* the need for more public investment in school lunches

Several of articles include stories about how parents are navigating these challenges along with all the usual challenges of raising kids.

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Monday, October 22, 2007

Toxic toys recalled

It seems like we've been innundated this year by recalls of toxic children's toys and products -- many with dangerously high amounts of lead. But you may not have heard about advocates' campaigns to make toys safer by strengthening testing and product standards:

Don't lick Elmo! is an opportunity to urge Congress to make sure that food and products imported from other countries are safe.

Get the Lead Out! is a petition by Moms Rising, calling on Congress and the Consumer Product Safety Commission to test children's products for toxic chemicals.

For background, see Toys recalled
For an up-to-date list of recalled products, see Recalls and Product Safety News

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